Saturday, May 10, 2008

CNC electro problems

Every so often something goes wrong in the CNC. Today was a weird one, I turned it on and tried to home the machine. Home means the machine tries to find it's reference location and is critical to keeping good machine tolerances.

In any case, today the home function did not work. Z axis moved to home nicely but then the machine simply froze and did not move in X,Y. After a reset I was able to manually home the X axis and the Y axis and Z axis but if I tried to do an auto home the machine simply moved the Z then froze.

Electronics are funny but really it's not magic so I spent the next three hours checking all the connections and looking for a bad micro switch, loose connection, or some such evil. After about three hours I figured out that the problem was a relay that must have been loose or sticking. It is actually a relay I replaced earlier in the year $40 just for the relay so I hope it is not going bad. After I removed and replaced the relay the system worked perfectly and I was able to correct a slight chamfer problem with the 4x110 frames.

Since it was late I decided not to do any other machining but spent the rest of the time setting up the fixture for tomorrow when I do the left side of the frames. With this fixture the frames are held from the right side so the machine can reach the side that we could not reach with the fixture 2 from last weekend.

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